In Good Company...
I've been thinking a lot lately about how good companies partner and how we, as people choose our communities. I've always loved the age-old adage, "you're only as good as the company you keep"...until recently, I hadn't fully realized how this showed up in my life. I see it now.
Looking back to the start of my creative journey in Detroit, I'm grateful for those who left pieces of themselves in my mind to consider, to respond to, and to help chart my own course. Creatives like Tracy Reese, Linda Dresner, George N'Namdi, Aleiya Olu, Leon Dickey, Aki Choklat, Jakob Randal and others. through my work with Michigan Central I've been blessed to work with iconic Detroit brands like Carhartt, Ford and Shinola. It's also been amazing to work with and be inspired by those new to my sphere, like Floyd, Trading Post, Rough Draft, Dos Jefes, Paris West and countless others that pursue a higher purpose through retail and products.
Just by being, we offer something to others. By being who we are and living in the truth of our God-given talents, we give others ideas, inspiration, encouragement and subconsciously, permission to pursue their own purpose. We are human. And we literally need each other to survive.
There have also been times when I haven't been in the best company, with myself or others, honestly. The discord and destruction that took place in my life during these seasons has been undeniable.
I think about our world and the strides we've taken in building online communities, but wonder how connected we really are. Can we still feel each other? If we can't truly feel one another, can we fill this inherent human need for connection? Can we still create from the unique core of our selves if we no longer share physical space?
I'm not sure, and it's getting weird out here.
I think back to when I've been at my most creative, and it's when I've been in good company. In share physical space. In communal harmony that puts my life in flow. I desire that flow and I want to live in it. I want to build a company from that place so that others might experience it along with me.
My work is to collaborate with the people, partners, contributors and ideas that align to expand the mission, while staying present to ensure that I'm able to support furthering others. This season is about synergy, shared values and the desire to go higher.
Always forward with gratitude,